Today is the first time in 2 months that I have been able to get on google, blogger, or my gmail from home. I am totally excited to finally share a new blog.
Each year a few of my friends from the ATL choose a word to focus on throughout their year. They look at what God has taught them throughout their year and the struggles they have faced. They set out at the beginning of each year to be intentional in their walk with the Lord and to let God teach them. In 2012 I decided that I wanted a word because it was the cool thing to do, and I needed a change, a opening up of myself to what God wanted of me. My word for 2012 was Bold, and as I focused on that word in my time with God and in my study of his word he called me to step out in boldness and out of my comfort zone to teach in Bolivia. In 2013, I focused on joy...not really succeeding at remembering that my hope in Him should give me joy. Let's just say that I was not very intentional in living through the joy. This year as I sit and await words from God about my unknown future, I am being intentional at learning to...
Some of the many definitions, I found for the word abide,
are to remain, to accept without rejection, to
stay with, to bear patiently, and
to wait for. Some synonyms of abide are dwell and
This year I believe the Lord is calling me to ABIDE in
Him. I have found myself trying to go
through life in my own strength, not allowing Him to carry me through. I found myself leaning on my own
understanding in making decisions, in helping students and teachers, and in
disciplining students. There comes a
time when I have to understand that his way is better than mine will ever
I desire to walk so closely to Him that His voice is so
clear that I am not tempted to move forward on my own accord. I need to accept his presence without
rejection. I want to remain aware of His
presence, and stay with him all my days.
I want to wait for Him even if I don’t feel like it. I long to experience His presence on a daily
I can’t do these things if I do not ABIDE in Him. He even tells us in John 15: 4-5--
“ABIDE in me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit by itself,
unless it abides in the vine, neither can you, unless you abide in me. I am the
vine; you are the branches. Whoever ABIDES in me and I in him, he it is that
bears much fruit, for apart from me you can do nothing.” (ESV)
I want to bear
fruit for the Lord, so I must ABIDE in Him.
2014 is my year
to form the habit of ABIDING in Christ.
John 15:4-5 are verses that will keep my grounded in the realization of why
it is necessary for me to ABIDE. I have
even started a playlist of music in iTunes that centers on ABIDING. I want to encourage you to seek the Father’s
face daily, practice being aware his presence, waiting patiently on Him to
speak, and to allow Him to change you into a fruit bearer as you ABIDE. As we ABIDE in Him, we will find joy. I know He will bless us as we ABIDE in Him.
Here are some lyrics to one of the songs on my playlist.
by the Band Abide :)
Waters in the wilderness
Streams in the desert
Shoulder for your heaviness
And you I will shelter
I am waiting in the garden
A quiet place I have set apart for you
Waiting to be gracious and to pardon
Come and meet me
That is all I ask of you
All I ask of you
Come give your life to me
Lay it at my feet
My yoke is easy
My burden light
Come unto me
Come and drink freely
Thirsty and weary
Come and be with me
Come and be with me
Come be with me
Let me be your victory
Over every failure
You were created to lean on me
And to depend on your creator
I have things I want to tell you
Beautiful purpose for your life
You need to know
I am the vine that will supply you
Water your branches that you may be made whole
Be made whole
Come give your life to me
Lay it at my feet
My yoke is easy
My burden light
Come unto me
Come and drink freely
Thirsty and weary
Come and be with me
Come and be with me
Come be with me
So come and walk beside me
Quiet and still
Abide in me
Abide in me
Come give your life to me
Lay it at my feet
My yoke is easy
My burden light
Come unto me
Come and drink freely
Thirsty and weary
Come and be with me
Come and be with me
Come be with me