Thursday, August 30, 2012

Frustration, Habbakuk, and Circles of Prayer

I am not going to lie and say that this past week or two has been easy, because it hasn’t.  I have been very frustrated with my delayed departure to Bolivia.  You see, since the beginning of this journey, I have been planning to be in Bolivia by August 1st and here it is August 30th.  Monday, the 27th, was the first day of school at SCCLC, and my students have started their school year with a substitute.  This past week and a half I have been on my knees in tears, mad at God, frustrated at my presence in the United States, sad I am not there to greet my students or get to know my coworkers.  It has been a week of ups and downs.  Don’t get me wrong, I love being around my family and being able to have lunch somewhere besides in a school building.  I have been called by God to go and he has provided the funds for me to get on the plane and even have an apartment that I can rent in Bolivia, yet this one big thing called a visa is standing in my way.  Why?  I have asked God this many times in the last week or so, and the answer varies each time I ask it.  

Many of you may not know that I am not a reader, but instead listen to books.  I have spent many a road trip from Atlanta to Searcy listening to hours of books.  This week in my despair and frustration, I went back and found a book that I downloaded weeks ago thinking it would be great to listen to on the trip to Bolivia, but instead God needed me to hear it this week.  The book is called The Circle Maker: Praying circles around your biggest dreams and greatest fears.   Mark Batterson starts by telling the story of Honi, the circle maker who being in an area of severe drought for 7 years drew a circle in the sand, knelt down in it praying for the Lord to bring the rain.  He stayed there, praying, and expecting God to deliver…and the Almighty did.  Batterson shared other answers for those that circled promises in scripture, dreams, fears, and needs in prayer.  In my listening, I was taken to Habbakuk.  As I read the book of Habbakuk, it became clear to me that he wrestled with God.  He argued with God asking him why he was allowing Judah to fall deeper and deeper into their evil ways.  He pled with God to show up and do something about it.  He poured out his heart to God, and God answered him.  

In the beginning of Habbakuk 2,
    Habbakuk says, “I will stand at my watch and station myself on the ramparts, I will look to see what he will say to me, and what answer I am to give to this complaint.
   The Lord answered him saying, “Write down the revelation… For the revelation awaits an appointed time, it speaks of the end and will not prove false.  Though it linger, wait for it; it will certainly come and will not delay.” (2: 1-3)

One might say to this verse that it has delayed and the appointed time has come and gone, but they would be wrong.  My reaction after reading this small portion of Habbakuk was to giggle and sit with my mouth open for 10 minutes as I thought it hilarious that God used a book of the Bible that I had hardly even laid eyes on to speak to me in this moment of doubt and frustration.  Reading through the remainder of the book allowed me to see that Habbakuk and I are very similar.  We both expressed our concerns, doubts of His power, frustration in why He has not dealt with the situation on our time, and we both received a word from the Lord that allowed us to regain hope in the Almighty Jehovah Jireh who provides what is necessary in the appointed time.  I am so thankful that the word of the Lord is alive!!  

So now I station myself watching and waiting as I pray circles around this visa, those handling it in the Bolivian government, the school, and more importantly the promise of my God to provide it in His time.  I also pray circles around the city of Santa Cruz de la sierra, Bolivia that, as you can see in the picture to the left, is laid out in concentric circles.  Someone long ago was praying circles around this place and didn't have a clue how God would use these circles.  FYI, the definition of concentric circles...circles that have a common center.  I will be praying circles around this city and those in it to allow Christ and his ways to be their common center.  Please join me in praying circles around this city, its people, and my visa!

Update on the visa: Monday, I got a call that the board of directors for SCCLC had a connection in the government in La Paz that was going to help speed the process along. 

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