Two days ago I celebrated another birthday! I have not been looking forward to it because of being away from my friends and family. The 18th I posted on facebook that all I wanted for my birthday was a Dunkin Donuts coffee, a doughnut, a rainy day on a comfy couch watching a movie, but I guess I would have to settle for high winds, dirt, school, and meetings. Well, boy was I wrong...I woke up yesterday morning to thunderstorms and heavy rain. As I was getting ready to face the rainy walk to school, there was a knock on my door. It was Laura, Rachel, and Danielle, neighbors of mine who came bearing coffee and waffles. The first great surprise of the day!

After sitting around and talking with most of the single ladies here at school, we decided to venture to Danielle and Rachel's apartment (across the yard from mine) to enjoy some girl time and a movie. We found a different route home with less water, but with 9 ladies traveling together you can imagine the laughter that comminced when a few girls tried carrying one girl over puddles because she did not have rainboots on. We finally made it home, dried off, put on warm clothes, talked, and enjoyed some painting of fingernails. I am not usually a fingernail painting kind of girl, but I joined in on the fun! Throughout our time together, we watched a movie, had birthday muffins, and a great pasta concoction that Danielle threw together. Later in the afternoon, we headed out for our weekly meeting and afterward went out for dessert.

It was so nice to be surrounded by these amazing girls all day. I have been continually blessed by their presence since I got here. To know that I am loved and cared about even in this new place has been a blessing from the beginning! They have been a comfort and healing place to go to and share my feelings, to cry on a shoulder, to laugh with, and eat with.
As I reflected on my birthday and these past weeks here, I am reminded of Ezekiel 47: 1-12. (The River of Healing) I not only waded through a "river" of water the morning of my birthday, I also have been wading through a river of healing and love as I am surrounded by these and other women and men of God here in Bolivia. I have been prayed over and prayed for since before I arrived, and the healing waters continue to deepen!
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