In my sitting and waiting in anticipation on the arrival of my nephew Jude, I listened to a sermon from my church in Atlanta (Grace Midtown). It was entitled Covenant: Abraham-Friend of God. One huge thing that the Holy Spirit kept hammering home to me was in his friendship with God, Abraham praised and thanked Him for providing and keeping His promises. Although Abraham had to wait 22 years for a son and then in obedience lay him on an altar of faith, Abraham still gave thanks and walked in faith that His God would provide everything he needed. I was also reminded of Moses, Jacob, and Joshua who built altars of celebration to the Lord for his provision of things He promised them.
After listening to the sermon, I sat out to remember those provisions that God has given me for which I have not built an altar of celebration and praise. I went to prayer journal to the days before I started the Daniel Fast that ultimately set me on my course to Bolivia. In preparation for the fast, I wrote 5 things that I would like to accomplish over the next 12 months, 3 new habits I want to form, fears I have that I need to let the Lord help me conquer, those I have not forgiven, and areas of my life that were out of order. As I read over the lists, I was brought to tears of joy for what the Lord has done that I could not do. I was a fearful person less than a year ago. I was afraid of not being perfect enough for Him, afraid of doing something new and different, of being alone, embarrassing myself, getting hurt, not loving how I should, and not being lovable. He is faithful and my strength is in Him. In my flesh, I would still be afraid. He has overcome this world and I give Him praise for conquering fears that have overcome me in the past. He gave me an apartment by myself to assure me that I am not alone when I am with Him. He provided funds, friends, and care for me in my transition to and from Bolivia. He continues to use me with my students and them for me in understanding what perfect in Christ really looks like. He has OVERCOME this world and I give HIM PRAISE! He loves me enough to conquer my fears. Here I build an altar of remembrance and celebration to the one that has brought me out of pit of fear and holds me in His hands FOREVER!
"For God has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love, and self-discipline. So you must never be ashamed to tell others about our Lord." 2 Timothy 1:7-8a
My soul must sing that He is all glorious!!
He has not only provided for me, but he has allowed me to see and be a part of how he has provided for others. I would like to celebrate these victories in Jesus!!
October 26, 2012- My friend, Raechel Bowman, found out that she passed the Georgia bar exam. This will allow her to use her God-given gift of advocating and caring for others. I praise him for the fruit that will come from her labor!
October 29,2012- Eight of our SCCLC students laid down their old lives to be given a new life through baptism, and still others are being added to this number! It was an amazing evening of celebration, tears of joy, encouragement, and of course, food!! I praise him for the new life we can all receive from Him!!
Nicolas |
Caleb |
Cesar |
Samia |
Andres |
Luana |
Graciela |
Natalia |
October 30, 2012- My great aunt Mac, was given her reward in heaven! She was a lovable, servant to others. May the way she lived on Earth continue to bear fruit while she is gone.
I continue to praise God for the example of faith my friends Jr and Daisha Sheets are to me. This month they got even closer to being fully funded for their mission to Scotland. I praise and thank the Lord for their friendship, encouragement, and support! Check out their blog at
November 1, 2012- The SCCLC JV girls soccer team won their first-ever championship for the school. This also the school's 1st championship in soccer. I not only celebrate their win but the way in which any of our teams won or lost. The school also got the Sportsmanship Award for the way they conduct themselves before, during, and after every game. I am so proud of all the students that played sports these season and I can't wait to coach basketball with some of the same students in January! Go Eagles! Go God!
Some JV boys volleyball players - 3rd place |
Varsity Boy's Volleyball- 2nd place |
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Varsity girls volleyball- 2nd place |
Varsity girls soccer- 3rd place |
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JV girls soccer- 1st place!!!! |
November 1, 2012- God continues to allow me the opportunity of having single women missionaries to my home on a monthly basis for a fun and enjoyable time together. I can't wait for our time in December together!
November 2,2012- We had the day off from school for the Day of the Dead. That day I was invited by one family for a cookout for lunch with a game of Skittles and another family for a soup dinner and a game of ultimate spoons (didn't get pictures of this...but I won). My time with both families was a true blessing to my day and to my soul.
Skittles |
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The Phillips |
November 3, 2012- Another dinner with the amazing girls that God has allowed me to live around. He promised me community and has provided not only these girls but others that live and work near me!
November 6th and 8th, 2012- Student vs. Teacher/Parent Volleyball and Soccer. God has brought me to a school where I am given a chance to play sports alongside parents and students. I praise the Lord for the good of sports as well as the ability to still play them (even though I am was very sore afterward)!
After volleyball |
After soccer |
November 11, 2012- I am thankful for and celebrating the new life Jude Alaric Landers Johnston. The name Jude means praise and thanks, and that is just what I am giving God for this precious life. I pray that he grows to an amazing man of God!! I got to be in the room(via skype) for his birth! I can't wait to hold that beautiful little boy!
Please pray for him! He is three weeks early and having trouble breathing and staying warm.
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My first look at Jude! |
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