Wednesday, October 14, 2015

An Opportunity in the Czech Republic

ESL teachers in Cheb
On November 20th, I will head to the Czech Republic for the week of Thanksgiving. While I am there I will not be doing the normal site seeing or touristy things most do. I will be taking time to spend with missionaries in three different cities throughout the Czech Republic.  

ESL teacher in Pardubice
What some may not know is life as a missionary can be hard. Sure living in a foreign country sounds cool and adventurous, but learning a foreign language, living in new culture, and teaching in a different culture can be difficult. Of course excitement and joy are some of the main emotions that most missionaries have when heading off to serve the Lord. They are excited to live in a new country. Excited to meet new people. Excited to serve the Lord. They are filled with joy because they said yes and He provided. Eventually that excitement wears off, and confusion, fear, sadness, and even anger can take its place. This is called transition.  We all deal with transition in our own ways, and when it happens we turn to those that know us or our situation well. We long for someone to connect with, someone to help us destress, someone to help us see life from a different perspective, someone to listen, but mainly someone to remind us we are loved and cared for.  

Teachers at Christian
International School
of Prague
This is where I come in.  My desire since I started working with TeachBeyond was to allow people to see that they are loved and cared for by an amazing man, Jesus Christ. I started with teaching and counseling in Bolivia, and now I get to show single ladies of TeachBeyond they are loved through member care.  This trip to the Czech Republic allows me a chance to gives hugs, spend some quality time, and encourage these ladies face to face (there is only so much a hugging bear emoji can do for someone). I will be spending time with some ladies I met this summer at orientation and others that I have never met in person. I will get to learn about how they live their lives in their new city and new school. I will drink coffee and discuss the pain of transition with them.  I observe them teaching and lend a hand.  My job is to be that person that they can connect with and who understands how it feels to be overwhelmed in a new culture with new people.

Manager of the National Schools
TEFL Program
 I would love your prayers in this endeavor.  I have never been to the Czech Republic. I don't know the language, so pray that as I walk into a new culture that I can be the hands and feet of Jesus. I have some great people in the Czech Republic that will be helping me make plans. Please pray that my trip there is not a hinderance but a breath of fresh air, and that the Holy Spirit will lead me in my interactions with the ladies there.  I can wait to be there and work with them. 

Teachers at Christian 
International School
of Prague
I would also love your financial support. The estimated price for the trip is $2500, which includes airfare, train tickets, lodging and food.  If you would like to support me in this trip or in my ministry as a monthly partner, you can click this link... donate ! If you would like to receive my praise and prayer monthly emails, email me at, and I will add you to the list.  I can't do this job without those who believe in what I do and walk with me through it! Thank you for prayerfully considering joining me!

Thank you for your love and support as I seek to serve the Lord through caring for these single ladies! 

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