Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Czech Republic here I come!

ESL teachers who teach in Cheb, Prague, and Paradubice

In two days, I will be on a plane to the Czech Republic with a 24 hour stopover in the UK.  Thank you to those of you who are financially supporting me in this endeavor to encourage these ladies.  You have given about $1000. That amount along monthly support is enough to help me get there as well as buy US items for the ladies and a little surprise as they are away from their families for the holidays.  I ask you now for prayers for my travel and the week I will spend traveling to three different places in the Czech Republic.  Here are a few requests:

-Praise God that I get to be a part of the lives of such amazing ladies and that I get to encourage them in their work for His kingdom.  
-Praise Him for the opportunity to serve in this capacity and that my job has allowed me this time to serve them.

-Pray that I will make all my connecting flights.(I leave November 20th and return home November 28th)
-I will be spending November 21st in London/Horsham, UK with members that are in TeachBeyond's global office. Pray that my walking around London is safe, and that I get on the correct train to Horsham. 
-Also pray that I will be an encouragement to the two couples serving in the global office.
-Pray that my time with Jessica, Erin, Sarah, Annie, Jess, Danielle, Kenna, Trisha, Brecklyn, Kelly, and Rebecca will be life-giving and uplifting.
-Pray that I will be in tune with the Holy Spirit as I seek to understand how I can better serve not only the single ladies I work with but everyone I meet along the way.
-Pray that these ladies will find peace, comfort, and enjoyment during the holiday season while they are away from their families.
-Pray that I am able to communicate even though I do not know the language.

Thank you for your love, prayers, and support of my ministry to these and other missionaries! I can't wait to update you along the way!

 TeachBeyonders in Prague and Paradubice

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