Saturday, December 22, 2012

A semester comes to an end...

Christmas Party with the Single Ladies
As I reflect on my first semester in Bolivia, I think about how my experiences here have changed me.  The Lord has brought me here for a life changing experience, and the more I think about that change, the more I am reminded that God has purpose for my presence here whether my presence is for my 6th graders or for me, there is purpose in it!

He has loved me enough to give me the opportunity to live by myself and gain the discipline of adding the reading of the Word and worship to my morning routine.  Although in the beginning I was fearful and lonely in my solitary living situation, I have been blessed in my solitude by words from my Father's lips.  Living alone has also allowed me the opportunity to invest in the lives of the single girls that live around me and those I work with me at SCCLC.  I have been able to party with these ladies, cook for them, challenge them, encourage them, and even loan my house to those in need when I was not using it.  This is His house--All I have is His!  The simple act of sharing has taught me more than it ever has before.  Below are some pictures from last Saturday's Christmas party.

We made pizza together!
We painted ornaments!

We paid attention to the details! :)

We fellowshiped!
 This semester has definitely been a challenge on many levels...especially with my 6th graders.  I think I have had every emotion possible when it comes to dealing with my students.  At one moment they can make me so proud and the next so disappointed.  They make me laugh.  They make me cry.  They frustrate me...often!  They make me smile.  They make me put on my teacher face.  They have taught me that I need to be ready for everything and anything from the loss of puppies to the presence of poop on the bottom of a sneaker.  This must be how God feels with his children.  One moment we are praising him with our lips and the next we are gossiping.  One moment we are showing kindness to others and the next we are taking all that we can from them.  He has no small job on his hands!  He puts up with our rebellious ways, yet turns around to show us forgiveness, grace, and love. How does he do it?  It is so hard for me not to remember the disdain and disrespect certain students had for me one day to another, and some days I find it very hard to like them.  I am so thankful that I can never be separated from HIS LOVE!  Everyday the Lord is teaching me what it means to love!  He is teaching me to love these students, my co-workers, and Bolivians that whistle and honk at me because I am white!  I am a sinner that lives in a fallen world, but I must take heart because he has overcome this world!  I praise Him for loving me when I am unlovable and forgiving me when I act out in my anger and frustration.

The last two weeks have been some of the craziest for my 6th graders and for me since I have arrived here in Santa Cruz (which is probably the cause of some of my frustrations).  Last week was the start to basketball practices for me.  I am proud to be coaching the varsity girls team.  From the two practices we have had, they are looking good and from what I hear this could be the year for a championship!  No pressure :-/!  I am excited to see what the season holds both in the games we play, but also how we grow together as a team!   

Last Wednesday, my 6th grade class had the pleasure of presenting chapel to the elementary.  In November, we voted on what our topic for chapel would be and decided upon Being Yourself- the unique person God made you.  The whole week before we decided on and practiced songs, skits, Bible verses, testimonies, and making snowflakes for every elementary student and teacher as well as parents that would attend. I have to say, these 6th graders did a great job of coming up with skits, finding verses, and overcoming the fear of speaking in front of others.  We got to tell every student that they are special as we gave them a snowflake that was one of a kind.  It was enjoyable and fun to lead them as they led!

My 6th graders after chapel
Last Friday, the elementary students participated in the Christmas program.  My 6th graders had some of the main speaking roles and were on stage the entire time.  Rachel Gentry, our music teacher and one of my favorite people here, led over 70 students in singing at the right time, saying the right line, and being in the right place.  The week before we had special practices with the whole elementary that overwhelmed me just walking into the room.  I don't know how she did it, but it was great!  I was proud of my 6th grade stars and  their ability to memorize lines, deliver them, and sing when you they could not hear themselves in that loud church!  

Getting ready in the green room!

Rachel helping the little ones remember their moves.
Les Talksalot (Zac)...talking a lot

1st graders trying to keep their headpieces on.

6th graders at the Bethlehem town hall meeting :)

My 6th grade STAR...Clara

Last week was also the end of our Ancient Egypt unit, and as a culminating activity we had an Egyptian day.  This past Tuesday, we (most of us 6th graders) dressed like ancient Egyptians, shared information, artifacts, and activities with Kindergarten through 5th grade.  Although we had a few behavior issues, the information they shared got better with each grade level and it seemed to be a big hit with all those that came to visit.  It seemed like their favorite thing to do was to put make-up on each other or themselves to "look" more like the ancient Egyptians.  We laughed a lot, but by the end of it we were all a bit more tired than any normal day.  We ended this week with the movie Prince of Egypt to draw connections to the time of Moses and how the information they learned compared to what the movie depicted.  It was good and rewarding, but I am very thankful to be done with Egypt...on to ancient China, Rome, and Greece!
gods and goddesses group

Pyramids group

Teaching the Kindergartners along the Nile River
Pharaoh allowing others to sit on his throne!
Mummies and Afterlife group

Writing so hieroglyphics
A project they did in art!

Doing my makeup

The Nile River and farming group
Matching the gods and goddesses 
Bartering at the Market

Queen for a day!

Walk like an Egyptian!

Overall this semester has been good with rough patches along the way, but I am being reminded day by day that wherever I am He is with me leading me in the life He has called me to and has put people here to teach me, love me, and grow me.  He is a faithful Father and is mighty to save us from ourselves!!  Praise HIM for your life and rejoice in His power and strength to take us from dark to light!

1 comment:

  1. I love it! You are a beautiful queen EVERY day! I love hearing what God has been doing this semester. I know you are touching hearts all along the way. LOVE you
